The Wax Venus Project
Art History and Critique
Many times throughout the history of visual culture, particularly in the Western, the image of the female body has been meticulously transformed or created to meet ideals of desire, knowledge, and religious devotion: the female body as an object of erotic proximity, the female body as an object of Science, the female body as an object of divine creation, and so the list goes. The Wax Venuses (the Anatomical Venuses) are objects of Scientific, Artistic, and Religious devotion that crystallize well this apotheosis.
The Wax Venus Project is an unfinished investigation into multiple systems of visual representation exploring longstanding aesthetic relations between Death, Ecstasy, and Anatomy manifested in the creation of the Wax Venuses.
The piece aims to be a non-directional 'system of meaning' composed of images resembling Aby Warburg's Bilderatlas Mnemosyne–a sort of study that seeks to trace aesthetic relations in image-making by identifiable subjects, yet it is non-conclusive and incomplete in nature.
Concordia University
March 2023